Need a new car key...? We've got you covered!

Need a new car key...? We've got you covered!

I have 'this type of car key' and mines not working or I have lost one, what do I do now? 

We've all been there. Lost your keys somewhere in the house (probably in a 'safe' place), kids have thrown your keys down some kind of hole... or the battery in the key fob has been going flat for weeks and you 'keep meaning to get the battery replaced' and then it flat out dies on you? This is an inevitable but truly frustrating situation and one which happens right when you need to get somewhere. Simple car keys are a bit easier to replace/get cut however the newer your car the more technology you have to contend with when it comes to fixing your problem. 

Calling us at Lock Supplies will be a great first step. We can assess for you what type of car key you have and the problem with it. Is it a conventional car key which has snapped, bent or is lost? Is it a car key fob which needs a new battery? Or is it a smart key for your keyless ignition car? Depending on your answer determines how we can assist you and what the cost will be. 

  • The most expensive of all key types is of course the smart key and this is because of the technology used to operate the car through a proximity sensor. If you do not have a back up key you will need to chat to us about booking you in to discuss supplying and programming a replacement. Hot tip! When your battery is going flat on you smart key, use the remote to push start the car ignition button. Being closer to the proximity will assist the range and prolong the life of the battery. Also did you know there is a hidden key in your remote? This will assist you to get inside your car when your remote stops working. 


  • Car key fob's are an easier deal as the mechanical key is what is used to start the car so if you lose your fob or it stops working you can still use your mechanical key to open your car door and start your car. Should you have lost or broken your fob or mechanical key we can help you with this at the shop or we can send a locksmith to you and your car.


  • The most commonly used car key type is of course the conventional car key. This is the type of key which you pop into the car ignition and turn it to start the car. If you lose a conventional car key we can assist with cutting a new key for your car and/or again send out a locksmith to help you. 


If your ignition barrel inside your car is broken, we can replace that. 

If your caravan keys have gone missing, we can cut new ones.

If you are after a more secure option for your motorhome, we have choices. 


Think of us next time something breaks, stops working or is lost in regards to your car keys. Give us a call and we will help you figure it out!



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