Price increase from Allegion starting August 2021

Price increase from Allegion starting August 2021

Due to the ever changing financial and supply climate we find ourselves in, in 2021, we have received the following correspondence from one of our biggest suppliers. 

"Over the past twelve months, we have seen all major commodities involved in the production of our products, including iron, aluminium and zinc, substantially increase in cost, along with inbound freight, labour, occupancy, energy and insurance costs continuing to escalate.

While we have absorbed most of these costs to-date through efficiencies, we can no longer do so and will apply a 10% increase to all products effective 1 August 2021."

As a flow on effect Lock Supplies will also have to pass on this price increase from Allegion. Due to being a small local business we cannot absorb this price increase and will therefore need to pass it on. However this price increase is not occurring until next month so, get your orders in asap. Make July count and place that order. 

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